Belts and Carbides
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Ultima XS Drive Belt $210 |
Ultimax XS Drive Belt
Knowledgeable snowmobilers agee - the drive belt of choice for high
performance is Ultimax XS |
Ultima Pro Drive Belt $151 |
Ultimax Pro Drive Belt
Ultimax 3 has evolved into Ultimax Pro |
Woody Carbides $89.95-125.95 |
Woody Carbides
Woody™s® carbide carries innovative features like 60° carbide inserts
that are guaranteed not to come out under any conditions, Flat-Top
design, rounded wear pads, full-length hardweld and bevel-cut host bar
that doesn™t snag trailer edge. Superior quality, construction,
performance, safety and reduced expense due to long service life “ the
Woody™s guarantee. |