Contact info:
Primary Phone and order line 319-364-1120, (NOT tech support
- click on link below) Tech Suport & Service - For tech support please see one of these pages first:
Tech Support for Polaris IQR/600R Tech Support for Krash Industries Jet Skis
We can get you everything you need however we DO NOT give out any technical research info, part numbers, jetting or clutching information so please dont ask. If you cant get through on the phone you can leave a message but sometimes the best thing to do is email us with all your vehicle information. We are super busy all the time. If we have all your vehicle info its easier to troubleshoot and assist.
e-mail Tracking info
Please note: If you don't get an e mail response from us within a day please call us. Sometimes spam blockers wont allow our e mail to get through to you especially if you use aol, rr, hotmail or norton.
Business Hours:
They vary sometimes but normally
10am-5pm Monday-Friday CST IF WE HAVE STAFF
We may be opening at 11:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays if we dont have staff.
Wednesdays, we may leave at 3pm for remote vehicle testing
Some Saturdays, CALL FIRST, from 10am - 2pm usally around Thanksgiving to Christmas
If you're driving from a distance away please call first.
Please check our facebook page for the latest updates.
Do NOT trust online sites like Yelp for our hours!
Local 319-364-1120
E-mail: Click Here
We do not rent any vehicles. The only NEW vehicles we sell are Krash Industries Jet Skis
Mailing Address:
823 Rockford Rd SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404