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Krash Engine Parts, Not live inventory
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Most items are in stock however this is not live inventory


Krash Top End Kit $890
Krash Top End Kit with Wiseco Pistons

Everything you need for a normal top end rebuild. Top end bearings and all gaskets/o-ring included.
Set ring end gap at .014"
Piston to Bore Clearance are at the bottom of the page

Krash Wiseco Piston $299 each
Krash Wiseco Pistons

Sold as pictured. Top end bearing not included. Sold separately below.
Set ring end gap at .014"

Piston to Bore Clearance are at the bottom of the page

Krash Piston Rings $65 each set of 2
Krash Piston Rings

For stock Krash Wiseco pistons.  2 rings per piston. 
Order 2 to do both pistons.
NOTE: There were 2 different 1200/95mm rings used. KD is standard and HK are different. Look yours over before ordering. The piston should be stamped with this number for the HK style: 13057M09500

Set ring end gap at .014"

Krash Wrist Pin Bearing $29 each
Krash Wrist Pin Bearing


Krash Wrist Pin $29 each
Krash Wrist Pin


Krash Cylinder Sleeve $95
Krash Cylinder Sleeve
These will need bored to size
Set piston to cylinder wall clearance to .005"

Krash Head Cover  $115
Krash Head Cover

This is the cover only, #6, and does not contain domes, o rings or any other parts. Other parts are available separately from us, most below.  1200 head covers are available form Krash now. 997 covers may take 30 + days to arrive. Special Order only, no cancellations or returns on any head covers.

Krash Cylinder $950
Krash Cylinder

The KV997 Cylinder is made from A356 high pressure die cast aluminum and standard size bored steel sleeves. It features 4 Auxiliary ports, 1 boost port, 2 Auxiliary exhaust ports and 1 main exhaust port per cylinder. The air and fuel are feed into the intake through the side of the cylinder at a 30 degree angle and wrap around the crank as the piston plunges from TDC to BDC. The cylinders are 150mm apart to increase the inner auxiliary ports area for improved bottom end punch. 1200 is the same as 1162

Krash 1200 Head Domes $80 ea or $160 pr

1200cc Head Domes
Stock will set you right around 165psi.
High compression will get you around 180psi
You MUST run a strong 500CCA or higher battery with these domes. (we recommend the 680CCA here)
Sold singly or as a pair. Head orings sold separately here

Krash 997 High Compression Domes $266 pr

High Compression Domes
These will set you right around 180psi.
Sold as a pair. Head orings sold separately or as a kit below.

Krash 997 High Compression Dome Kit $304

High Compression Dome Kit
These will set you right around 180psi.
Sold as a kit with o rings


Krash Crankshaft $1449

Pistons, wrist pin bearings and seals not included.
The 4340 forged crankshaft weighs in at 7.8kg and gives the
motor an 82mm stroke while being assembled using
NSK C3 bearings.
Our rods are 144mm long giving our engine an ideal rod to
stroke ratio of 1.76. All pins and surfaces are nitrate treated
for increased longevity. Fits 20mm Flywheels.  If you're rebuilding an entire engine please remember to get crankshaft seals as well.

Installation notes:
Grease seals prior to installation. Allow case sealant time to dry before use.

Krash Crankcase $680

Crankcase only. 1 top and 1 bottom.
If you're rebuilding an entire engine please remember to get crankshaft seals as well

Krash 997/1200 Crankshaft Seal $23 - $26 sold each

Front and Rear Crankshaft Seal
Engine contains 1 front and 2 rear seals, one inner and one outer.
Grease prior to installation.

Krash Exhaust Power Valve, blade only $104.95

Exhaust Power Valve 
Grab some gaskets too

Krash Power Valve Spring $16.95

Power Valve Spring 
This is the one for the valve itself

Krash Exhaust Power Valve Bellow $32.95 ea

Exhaust Power Valve Bellow 

Aftermarket Exhaust Power Valve Bellow for Krash $26.95 ea

Aftermarket Exhaust Power Valve Bellow
These are slightly thicker and may be better for low end power and hold up longer. 

 Power Valve Seal Ring Top Spring $10.95 ea

Power Valve Seal Ring Top Spring
This is for the top/large side of the bellow.  

Krash Engine Mount by WSM $41 ea

Krash Engine Mount by WSM
Krash motor mount

Sold each
4 required to replace all

Engine Keepers for Krash with spacers $99

Engine Keepers for Krash with spacers
Mounts on the front engine mounts. Protects your engine and mounts from too much movement. A must have for any hardcore surf or flat-water invert artist.

Sold in a pair, Left and Right
Only one pair is needed.
Product Video Here
Install video here

Krash oil pumps $569

Krash oil pump
Stock oil pump for PFI engines. Pump only. Will not work with carburated engines.

Krash oil injection upgrade kit $45

Krash oil injection upgrade kit
This kit will contain the parts needed to upgrade the stock kit if you have oil leaking into the engine when the ski is shut off. Request the video after purchase on where things are located..

Krash oil injection bypass kit $24

Krash oil injection bypass kit
This kit will allow you to bypass the oil injection kit and remove most of the components. You will still need to change your fuel filter about once every 30 to 50 hours depending upon what oil you are using. Once you purchase the buy pack bypass kit you can also request a link to the video on how to install it. Recommended Fuel oil ratio is 50 to 1.
on a '22 this reduces your weight by 4lbs 10oz. On the '24 and newer machaines it will be a little less due to a smaller, lighter oil controller.

Krash Gaskets, O rings, & Seals

All carb gaskets here

from intake manifold and up
Piston to Bore Clearance
. This is the approximate breakdown. It's important to know that we had variations during the production of these engines and the hone were often tweaked (±0.025mm or so) to suit supplied pistons.
997 Carb (CDI) = 0.125mm (0.005")
Piston Skirt = 87.925
Bore Hone = 88.050
997 Carb (Smart Coil) = 0.150mm (0.006")
Piston Skirt = 87.925
Bore Hone = 88.075
1162 Carb = 0.175mm (0.007"):
Piston Skirt = 94.950
Bore Hone = 95.125
1162 Port Injection = 0.200mm (0.008"):
Piston Skirt = 94.950
Bore Hone = 95.150
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