Krash Tech Support for
997cc engines
years here)
Known issues and fixes 997 997 Programable CDI video If you buy a ski from us we will provide tech suport. If you buy parts from us we provide tech support for those items. All other support will need to be from your own dealer/supplier or Krash direct at Or we can block off some time for you at our normal labor rate. |
2020 Owners Guide Troubleshooting 997 Torque Settings Wire Schematic |
Krash 997 carb settings Carb Settings 997 pdf Ours run best at 1.5 on the Low speed screws & 1 on the High speed screws. stock Needle & Seat is a 2.3 High Altitude Jetting Chart for 997 We do not recommend modifying your carbs other than trimming/replacing gaskets and orings. | |
Do not use a Kawasaki or other aftermarket lanyards unless the clip is as thick as the stock one or it will not spark. Approved Lanyards here Your engine must turn over at at least 600rpm to produce spark so MAKE SURE you have a really strong battery, we recommend 680cca here, and a good starter here. Anything less and you risk heating up and burning up a CDI and other electrical components. Zeel CDI PDF 1 PDF 2 Wiring diagram (Magnetic pick up needs to be spaced at .5mm for proper pickup with ZEEL.) Flywheel puller is required and available here. Zeel will not run your bilge pump. Put it on a switch available here For everything Zeel Related contact them - Zeel website |
2020 and older Krash magnetic pickup and it reads 520ohms just like the older ones. The new pickup wires are glued on the pickup with heat shrink on top. Looks solid now. New ones are HERE |
Highly recommended upgrade Adding fuses to the 997 electrical box PDF Wire colors have changed, Please see this video Available HERE VIDEOS No spark see: Electrical system care and upgrades for 997 Start stop switch and aftermarket bars Many More Krash Tech Videos Here NEW, Krash Video Index Winterizing |
How to fix a magnetic pickup sensor. If the magnetic pickup is not destroyed and just a wire has broken off it can usually be repaired while you wait for your new improved one to arrive. If the wire broke just outside of the sensor and there is enough wire still outised of the sensor you can simply soldier the two back together then clean it up and then epoxy all the way around to provide support. If the wire is broke off inside and cannot be soldered right there then take a piece of strong wire that you can solder to. You may be able to use a small paper clip and sharpen the end and then heat it with a torch and then melt it into the inside of the wire on the sensor. Give it a second to cool off and bond. Then solder the wire onto the paper clip and clean thoroughly and then you epoxy all the way around it for support. Make sure you give the epoxy enough time to cure before trying to put it all back together. Also, make sure it reads around 520 ohms before reinstalling. Dont forget the spacers that go inbetween the case and the back of the sensor or it wont pickup the flywheel. |
We highly recommend an adjustable water
line flow valve to help with tuning. This will keep excess water out of the exhaust system. Click here |
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